Thinking Critically and Strategically

How to foster creativity and innovation through critical thinking and positioning yourself to have strategic competitive advantages.


Numerous surveys show that many people hate engaging in SERIOUS THINKING. Only a few regularly think critically and strategically.

But, even for those few who practice deep thinking, the DAILY PRESSURE of life and work causes many, including executives, to default to tactical thinking.

The challenge is magnified in this social media era where we’re bombarded by unsolicited, invalidated, and unverified bitesize information without stopping.

Unless we slow down and engage in critical thinking by questioning POPULAR THOUGHTS and GOVERNING PRINCIPLES that haven't been scrutinized seriously, we will 'LOSE' one of the most important functions of our MIND leading us to do the same things again and again without making any significant PROGRESS and attaining any BREAKTHROUGHS.

Worst, we may buy into LIES, PROPAGANDAS, MISINFORMATION, which in turn could lead to making huge MISTAKES, damaged REPUTATION, and even LAW SUITS...

Unless we question our own outdated and faulty beliefs, and wrong assumptions, we end up THINKING SMALL, LOWERING OUR BARS, and make POOR DECISIONS and take MEDIOCRE ACTIONS. We also struggle to POSITION ourselves, our teams, and organizations to have STRATEGIC COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES by thinking strategically, planning, and translating our plans into results by executing flawlessly.

It is high time to stop engaging in just regular, linear, and one-dimensional thinking and begin to slowdown, overcome unnecessary information overload, think critically, 360°, and strategically to SOLVE PROBLEMS CREATIVELY and INNOVATIVELY, and also engage in STRATEGIC THINKING that offers you unfair advantages, and in turn accelerate your progress, turn your vision into realities, and SUPER EXPAND your INFLUENCE beyond your backyard...


Some of the benefits of excelling at Critical & Strategic Thinking include:

  • Gaining clarity amidst confusion

  • Coming up with multiple options & choices

  • Improved problem-solving abilities

  • Making quality & ethical decisions

  • Increased productivity and performance

  • Improved creativity and innovation

  • Better communication & connection

  • Leading strategically & achieve goals

  • Reduced risks, roadblocks, & failures

  • Forming strategic coalitions and alliances

  • Enjoying these and many more benefits

Potential Topics

Areas to develop to excel at thinking critically & strategically and enjoy the above benefits:

  • Challenges & barriers to serious thinking

  • Benefits of critical & strategic (C&S) thinking

  • Differentiate C&S thinking from others

  • Traits of C&S thinkers

  • Applications of C&S thinking

  • Components & Steps of Critical thinking

  • Techniques & Tools for Critical thinking

  • Elements of Strategic thinking

  • Balancing strategic with tactical thinking

  • Strategic thinking models/tools

  • Facilitating strategic planning sessions

  • Crafting a strategic plan document


Grab one of the three available packages below. It's 1st come, 1st served basis. Those who don't make it before the first window is closed will be placed on a WAITING LIST. These deals may also be REMOVED without further notice...

Grab one of the three available packages below. It's 1st come, 1st served basis. Those who don't make it before the first window is closed will be placed on a WAITING LIST.

I. Starter

  • Roadmap that guides you through the journey (10 - 20 pages PDF practical guide filled with tips, graphic representations, flow charts, and more)

  • Practical insights, tools, approaches, and strategies in the roadmap

  • 1 hour Zoom chat to walk you through the roadmap and give you brief explanations

  • Case studies, stories, and examples are shared during the Zoom and phone chats

  • Templates and Samples are shared

  • 30-minute follow up phone call to review progress, answer questions, and talk about next steps

  • Suggestions on articles and books to read, videos to watch, groups to join, and courses to take...

  • 1 week email support after the 30-minute phone call

II. Advanced

  • Roadmap that guides you through the journey

  • Assessment to gauge where you're on your critical and strategic thinking journey

  • 3 hours Zoom chat for deeper discussion on 1 - 3 areas of critical and strategic thinking

  • Case studies, stories, and examples are shared during the Zoom and phone chats

  • Templates and Samples are shared

  • 1 real life problem/challenge/decision that requires critical thinking, brainstorming, strategizing, finding solutions or making tough decisions

  • A detailed outline of a Strategic Plan, which you could use to facilitate a strategic planning session

  • Three 30-minute follow up phone calls to talk about in between sessions assignment, progress made, and answer if there are any questions before the next session

  • Feedback on your draft strategic plan

  • Suggestions on articles and books to read, videos to watch, groups to join, and courses to take...

  • 1 week email support after the last 30-minute phone call to answer questions

III. Ultimate

  • Roadmap that guides you through the journey

  • Assessment to gauge where you're on your critical and strategic thinking journey

  • 6 hours Zoom chat to cover 3 - 6 areas of critical and strategic thinking

  • Case studies, stories, and examples are shared during the Zoom and phone chats

  • Templates and Samples are shared

  • Six 30-minute follow up phone calls to talk about in between sessions assignment, progress made, and answer if there are any questions before the next session

  • 3 real life problems/challenges/decisions that require critical thinking, brainstorming, coming up strategies, and finding solutions or making tough decisions

  • A thorough explanation on the outline of a Strategic Plan and coaching you on how to conduct a strategic planning session effectively

  • Email exchanges between sessions

  • Feedback on your draft strategic plan and its implementations

  • Suggestions on articles and books to read, videos to watch, groups to join, and courses to take...

  • 1 week email support after the last 30-minute phone call to answer questions


  • Request a Proposal by clicking the button below. Please make sure to state the Name of the Deal you selected on the SUBJECT LINE, and in the body of the text box mention which Tier you’re interested with.

  • If in case the quota for the theme and tier you selected is full, we'll let you know, and put you in the waiting list.

  • We can speak at your next event or facilitate a workshop/webinar for your team on this theme or facilitate a retreat style strategic planning session for your leadership and even help in crafting the strategic planning document and consult you for its effective implementation. Reach out and we’ll send you a proposal with three price points.

Reach out and let's chat


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